Day: December 1, 2014

How to Generate Leads in E-mail Marketing (Part 1)

Statistics says:

  • 2.5 billion of people worldwide are e-mail users (Radicati Group, 2014).

  • 88% of marketers consider e-mail marketing as the most effective lead generation (Circle Research, 2014).

  • 72% of American adults send and receive e-mails using their smartphones (Forrester, 2014).

  • Sending over 100,000 business e-mails per month yield 94% ROI (Marketing Sherpa, 2014).

Why E-Mail Marketing?

E-mail marketing becomes an integral part of Internet marketing, which strengthens your online reputation by sending transactional (automatic and real time mails sent to your inbox after opt-in such as thank you alert, download confirmation, password reset, purchase receipt, account update, invoice, etc.) and direct mails (newsletter and press release) to your leads, prospects and customers.

There are five advantages of e-mail marketing. One, it’s cheaper service compared to offline advertising. You can even use the service for free if you only have fifty or less subscribers. Second, the delivery rate is quick. Click the “send” button and you feel confident your new message is delivered in your customers’ inbox. Third, it encourages creativity. Creating e-mails for marketing requires you to plan and make your plans work (thorough discussion later). Fourth, an e-mail communicates effectively with readers and subscribers. Well-written direct mails sound like a request letter to a friend.

IMPORTANT TIP: Use your company’s name or your real name as the username but don’t use G-Mail, Yahoo or Outlook as your e-mail service. For example, info (at) reputationrockstar (dot) net looks more professional than reputationrockstar (at) gmail (dot) com. The former uses the info as its username while its e-mail service uses the website.

Lastly, e-mail marketing is measurable. You don’t get lost because paid autoresponders such as AWeber, Mail Chimp and Get Response provide analytics for performance tracking. You’ll see who open your mail, who read and click the links on your mail, who unsubscribe and who viewed but deleted it.

The E-Mail Marketing Funnel

Achieving success in e-mail marketing requires you to understand its funnel, which leads you in the right direction. To be continued…