How to Generate Leads in E-mail Marketing (Part 2)

The Funnel of Success

email marketing funnel

                                                           Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

Your e-mail marketing journey begins as you request people to enter their first name and email address in an opt-in box. The moment this action happens, it means these people want to reach out to you. Truth is; you successfully earn their trust and become your lead. Question is; for how long?

First Stage: Stranger (Sent, Delivered, Opened)

The post-lead generation starts here. After delivering your free offer to their inboxes in exchange of their names and email addresses, it’s up to you how to convince them to stay in your list. First, you send them a thank you message. Second, you convince them to follow you in Twitter, subscribe to your YouTube Channel and like your official page in Facebook.

Second Stage: Acquaintance (Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked)

Your leads become your acquaintance if you receive less or no un-subscription a day after. These people expect more from you. They want information about you and your business. But don’t get it wrong. It’s no good practice to force them to buy. The buying phase will happen later.

This stage requires you to send one newsletter each week, one during their birthdays and one during special holidays. A newsletter is a direct mail in which the content has the goal to inform, educate and entertain. Recent statistics show 65.8% of small business owners create newsletters to convert their leads into prospects (Street Fight Mag, 2014).

You may attach a freemuim in each newsletter for more open rates. In case you can’t, take them to a page where they can learn something new – but make sure these new things will remind them of your brand. For example, take them to a recorded webinar or encourage them to join a contest.

Third Stage: Friend (Sent, Delivered, Opened, Clicked, Converted)

Getting in this stage takes time. Some of your leads in stage two might have forgotten you, either deleted your newsletters without reading or unsubscribed to your list.

Don’t be upset though. Stick with those who have stayed. It might mean these leads are converted as your friends or, customers who will buy your product and service.

It’s still recommended to send newsletters to these people. Just continue to inform, educate and entertain them with your quality offers. Better yet, talk to them in social media.

Also, you may sell but keep it short. People get annoyed with too much sales talk.

Fourth Stage: Lifetime Customer (Sent, Delivered, Opened, Click, Converted, Repeat)

You arrive in this stage when people open your mail: to read it, to click all the links, to download freebies and to buy whatever new product and service you have.

Consistency plays a vital role here; therefore, customers need to feel your genuine care and 24/7 support.

REMEMBER: E-Mail Marketing isn’t a number game. It’s a conversion game – more conversions, the better!


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