Realistic Expectations: Hiring the Best Reputation Management Firm

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How to hire the best reputation management firm

                                                             Photo Courtesy of: Flickr

Your reputation defines your brand. It acts as your wheels traveling through the detours and roadblocks of the business world. Due to inevitable left and right priorities, however; you can no longer monitor your online reputation.

It’s for this reason why you need to consider hiring a management firm like Leads Ahoy. The firm is expected to monitor and enhance your reputation to bring in more traffic, more prospects and more customers.

Before hiring, make sure the firm is listed in Better Business Bureau. It feels safer to select the best five companies if they’re BBB accredited. Accreditation means you can openly uncover their accomplishments.

A firm with inexpensive list of services isn’t always the right choice. The duties and responsibilities of a quality management firm includes but not limited to:

1. Updating your blog and social media. It’s an excellent idea to hire a management firm with advanced knowledge on search engine optimization. Blogging is an on-page optimization. It is a technique performed inside your website. The firm needs to assign a content manager to write, create and promote quality contents for you.

A healthy blog is updated daily. The content doesn’t need to be long as long as it follows the guidelines in search engine optimization.

Social media covers social networking, social bookmarking and social reviews. Your content manager needs to update your social channels daily. Social media immediately attracts attention if contains colorful photos supported by texts.

2. Monitor daily reviews. Choose a firm that can auto-track your business reviews and mentions 24/7. This way, it’s easier to filter the positive from negative reviews. Positive reviews will be posted in your social channels while the negative reviews will be sent back to you.

3. Reporting. The firm needs to submit monthly reports and suggested recommendations on time. For easy glance, the presentation of the report must give you a visual and written summary before the details of their daily activities.


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