Content Marketing 101: 15 Tips for Effective Syndication

1. A syndicate article is a written content. The article is already published in your blog but you choose to re-publish it in selected and high-quality syndication sites.

what is content syndication

Photo Courtesy of: Pinterest

2. Syndication is entirely different from content duplication and guest blogging. Duplication occurs when you publish identical and low quality articles on the same website. These articles provide no value.

Guest blogging, on the other hand, allows you to publish an original article to other websites. The article contains quality information and a backlink to your website.

3. In syndication, Google reveals it only shows the version that is most appropriate for the users. This version may or may not be the version you want to rank for (Source: Webmaster Tools Help).

4. Do it right and you’ll save more time. This technique only requires you to copy and paste either an entire or a portion of the copy but with a link to the original version.

Its primary aim is to expand the reach of your content.

5. Only choose to syndicate in high-quality sites, which give your article a lift in search ranking.  Quicksprout’s Neil Pattel enumerated 11 syndication networks while Kristi Hines listed 10 other sites for syndication. It’s best to choose a site with its own analytics.

Other rules in syndication include…

6. It’s best to syndicate an article manually. Automated syndication is possible but it may not yield the quality version. Most websites may not also publish an article conducted by a paid or free software.

7. Only syndicate the best article in your blog. Informational how-to articles are preferred than those with promotional spins.

8. Limit your syndication to five to twelve quality sites. Search engines might only get suspicious if you’re going to publish in 100 sites.

9. Learn the right timing. Don’t syndicate an article all at once, rather publish it in one site every other day.

10. Syndication is an online activity that observes consistency. It produces multiple copies of the original; therefore, do what you can to preserve its length, tone, number of links, placement of links and authorship.

11. Syndicate safely. When in doubt, insert a “No Index” tag in the meta name to make sure search engines refrains from indexing the page. Here’s how.

12. Sometimes, confusion in duplicate content occurs. It’s inevitable. That’s why; to play it safe, you’re going to insert rel=canonical inside the link tag. This command gives the search engines an ability to identify what’s the original copy from not.

13. Once published, keep all the links in a spreadsheet.

14. Apply changes to all copies once you improve the original version.

15. Don’t expect too much. Success in syndication doesn’t occur overnight. Make it a habit to perform the above steps and you’ll see improvements in the long run.

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Leads Ahoy provides services in reputation management, search engine optimization, list building and geo-targeted lead generation.


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